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UFOs 101: A Case for Extraterrestrial Existence and their Visitation of Planet Earth?




Introduction If you asked me 15 years ago if I would dedicate the majority of my life to studying the UFO phenomenon and government secrecy, I would have said you were nuts. Follow it up with a question on if I would ever lecture about the topic - then I'd probably never speak to you again. Yet, here I am. Approaching a decade and a half on the study of UFOs, and now honored to not only emcee the International MUFON Symposium, but offer a "UFOs 101" lecture. I titled my talk, and my paper, "A Case for Extraterrestrial Existence and their Visitation of Planet Earth?" but notice I pose this as a question, not a definitive statement.
机译:简介如果您15年前问我是否愿意一生中的大部分时间研究不明飞行物现象和政府机密,那我会说你疯了。接下来提出一个问题,即我是否会就该主题进行演讲-那么我可能再也不会和您说话了。但是,我在这里。对UFO的研究已经接近15年了,现在荣幸地不仅主持了国际MUFON研讨会,而且还提供了“ UFO 101”讲座。我以演讲为标题,并发表论文“外星人存在及其对地球的访问的案例?”。但请注意,我将其作为一个问题而不是明确的陈述。



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