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A novel MPR approach based on inverse-traversing of Multi-Labeled Tree




A novel Multi-Path Routing (MPR) approach based on inverse-traversing of Multi-Labeled Tree (MLT) is proposed. MLT can be constructed through the probing process of multiple labeled messages. Then, multiple disjoint paths can be located by inverse-traversing of the MLT. Both the constructing of MLT and the locating of the paths are decentralized processes. Simulation experiments indicate that MLT based NDMPR can find more node-disjoint paths than CT approach with a little increment in routing table size at each node. In addition, the average path length using our approach is smaller than that of CT approach.
机译:提出了一种基于多标签树(MLT)逆遍历的多路径路由(MPR)方法。 MLT可以通过探测多个带标签的消息来构造。然后,可以通过MLT的反向遍历找到多个不相交的路径。 MLT的构建和路径的定位都是分散的过程。仿真实验表明,基于MLT的NDMPR比CT方法可以找到更多的节点不相交路径,并且每个节点的路由表大小都有少量增加。另外,使用我们的方法的平均路径长度小于CT方法的平均路径长度。



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