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Translation-based verification of Web services composition via ZING




BPEL4WS (BPEL for short) is a standard business process execution language for Web services composition. To formally verify the correctness and reliability of Web services compositions, we propose an Input/Output Labelled Transition System (I/OLTS) as the intermediate formal model, which is well adapted to model BPEL constructs and handle faults, events, terminations, message correlation and activities. To be able to automatically verify Web services compositions via a model checker, we first develop a translation procedure to translate BPEL language into I/OLTS, and then develop another translation procedure to translate the I/OLTS model into the input language of ZING, a software model checker developed by Microsoft. The translation-based verification process for Web services composition is illustrated by a case study.
机译:BPEL4WS(简称BPEL)是用于Web服务组合的标准业务流程执行语言。为了正式验证Web服务组合的正确性和可靠性,我们提出了一个输入/输出标记的过渡系统(I / OLTS)作为中间形式模型,该模型非常适合于对BPEL构造进行建模并处理故障,事件,终止,消息相关性和活动。为了能够通过模型检查器自动验证Web服务组合,我们首先开发了将BPEL语言翻译为I / OLTS的翻译过程,然后开发了另一种将I / OLTS模型翻译为ZING的输入语言的翻译过程。 Microsoft开发的软件模型检查器。案例研究说明了基于翻译的Web服务组合验证过程。



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