首页> 外文会议>2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems >Goal Orientated Conversational Agents — The rocky road to commercialization

Goal Orientated Conversational Agents — The rocky road to commercialization




Academics who wish to commercialise a novel research concept or prototype ‘product’ face many difficult challenges. These typically include limited business knowledge, the technical verses business language barrier, and the time commitment involved in trying to “sell” the idea to industry and develop one-off prototypes. This paper describes the commercialisation of Goal Orientated Conversational Agents (GO-CA) from initial research concepts through to establishing a UK limited company. GO-CAs have the ability to converse with humans through the use of natural language dialogue in order to achieve a specific task. Such systems are ideal for providing clear and consistent advice 24 hours a day and allow the users to be able to ask questions in natural language which are relevant to their personal situation. The paper briefly describes the novel GO-CA architecture and outlines two developed applications. The pathway to commercialisation which was taken is described and lessons which were learnt are identified.
机译:希望将新颖的研究概念或原型“产品”商品化的学者面临许多困难的挑战。这些通常包括有限的商业知识,技术经文和商业语言障碍,以及试图将想法“出售”给行业和开发一次性原型所涉及的时间。本文介绍了目标导向的对话代理(GO-CA)的商业化过程,从最初的研究概念一直到建立英国有限公司。 GO-CA具有通过使用自然语言对话来与人类对话以完成特定任务的能力。这种系统非常适合每天24小时提供清晰一致的建议,并使用户能够以自然语言提出与其个人情况有关的问题。本文简要描述了新颖的GO-CA架构,并概述了两个已开发的应用程序。描述了所采取的商业化途径,并确定了所汲取的教训。



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