首页> 外文会议>Energy and Environment Technology, 2009. ICEET '09 >A Solution to the Unit Commitment Problem Based on Local Search Method

A Solution to the Unit Commitment Problem Based on Local Search Method




Unit commitment is an important and difficulty aspect of optimal operation of power systems. Because it belongs to be mixed variables programming that is difficult to find the optimal solution in mathematics. This paper presents a new method combining of neighbor search and interior-point Method (LS-IP) to solve UC NP-hard problem. The structure of neighborhood is defined and a new way to adjust neighborhood is referred which can deal with various restrictions to ensure the feasibility of result. In this paper, the large and complex discrete space will be instead by a very small solution neighborhood. The advantages of interior point method, for example with good astringency and high precision, will be fully played to accelerate the speed of calculation. At last 100 units and 24 hours systems have been tested to verify the presented method. The last results show that the method is very promising for large scale application.
机译:机组承诺是电力系统优化运行的重要和困难方面。由于它属于混合变量编程,因此很难在数学中找到最佳解。提出了一种结合邻居搜索和内点法(LS-IP)的新方法来解决UC NP-hard问题。定义了邻域结构,并提出了一种调整邻域的新方法,该方法可以处理各种限制,以确保结果的可行性。在本文中,大而复杂的离散空间将由非常小的解决方案邻域代替。充分利用内点法的优点,例如具有良好的收敛性和高精度,可以加快计算速度。在最近的100个单元和24小时内,已经对系统进行了测试,以验证所提出的方法。最后的结果表明该方法对于大规模应用是非常有前途的。



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