
Low Static-Power Frequent-Value Data Caches




Static energy dissipation in cache memories will constitute an increasingly larger portion of total microprocessor energy dissipation due to nanoscale technology characteristics and the large size of on-chip caches. We propose to reduce the static energy dissipation of an on-chip data cache by taking advantage of the frequent values (FV) that widely exist in a data cache memory. The original FV-based low-power cache design aimed at only reducing dynamic power, at the cost of a 5% slowdown. We propose a better design that reduces both static and dynamic cache power, and that uses a circuit design that eliminates performance overhead. A designer can utilize our architecture by simulating an application and then synthesizing the FVs into an application-specific FV cache design when values will not change, or by simulating and then writing to an FV-cache with configuration registers when values could change. Furthermore, we describe hardware that can dynamically determine FVs and write to the configuration registers completely transparently. Experiments on 11 Spec 2000 benchmarks show that, in addition to the dynamic power savings, 33% static energy savings for data caches can be achieved.
机译:由于纳米级技术特性和片上高速缓存的大尺寸,高速缓存存储器中的静态能量耗散将占微处理器总能量耗散的越来越大的一部分。我们建议通过利用广泛存在于数据高速缓存存储器中的频繁值(FV)来减少片上数据高速缓存的静态能量耗散。原始的基于FV的低功耗高速缓存设计旨在仅降低动态功耗,而速度却降低了5%。我们提出了一种更好的设计,该设计可同时减少静态和动态缓存功率,并使用可消除性能开销的电路设计。设计人员可以通过以下方法来利用我们的体系结构:模拟应用程序,然后在值不变时将FV合成为特定于应用程序的FV缓存设计,或者通过模拟然后在值可能更改时通过配置寄存器写入FV缓存来使用我们的体系结构。此外,我们描述了可以动态确定FV并完全透明地写入配置寄存器的硬件。对11个Spec 2000基准进行的实验表明,除了可以节省动态功耗外,还可以为数据缓存节省33%的静态能耗。



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