
WWW 2008 Workshop: NLPIX2008 Summary

机译:WWW 2008研讨会:NLPIX2008摘要



The amount of information available on the Web has increased rapidly, reaching levels that few would ever have imagined possible. We live in what could be called the "informationexplosion era," and this situation poses new problems for computer scientists. Users demand useful and reliable information from the Web in the shortest time possible, but the obstacles to fulfilling this demand are many including language barriers and the so-called "long tail." Even worse, users may provide only vague specifications of the information that they actually want, so that a more concrete specification must somehow be inferred by Web access tools. Natural language processing (NLP) is one of the key technologies for solving the above Web usability problems. Almost all the Web page provide with the essential information in the form of natural language texts, and the amount of these text information is huge. In order to offer solutions to these problems we must perform searching and extracting information from the Web texts using NLP technologies. The aim of this workshop: NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2008) is to bring researchers and practitioners together in order to discuss our most pressing needs with respect to accessing information on the Web, and to discuss new ideas in NLP technologies that might offer viable solutions for those issues.
机译:Web上可用的信息量迅速增加,达到了几乎没人能想到的水平。我们生活在所谓的“信息爆炸时代”,这种情况给计算机科学家带来了新的问题。用户需要在尽可能短的时间内从Web获得有用且可靠的信息,但是满足这种需求的障碍很多,包括语言障碍和所谓的“长尾巴”。更糟糕的是,用户可能只提供他们真正想要的信息的模糊规范,因此,Web访问工具必须以某种方式推断出更具体的规范。自然语言处理(NLP)是解决上述Web可用性问题的关键技术之一。几乎所有的网页都以自然语言文本的形式提供基本信息,并且这些文本信息的数量巨大。为了提供这些问题的解决方案,我们必须使用NLP技术从Web文本中搜索和提取信息。这次研讨会的目的是:信息爆炸时代的NLP挑战(NLPIX 2008)是为了将研究人员和从业人员召集在一起,以讨论我们在访问Web信息方面最紧迫的需求,并讨论NLP技术中的新思想,可能会为这些问题提供可行的解决方案。



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