
Contactless sub-millimeter displacement measurements




Weather effects on foldable domes, as used at the DOT and GREGOR, are investigated, in particular the correlation between the wind field and the stresses caused to both metal framework and tent clothing. Camera systems measure contactless the displacement of several dome points. The stresses follow from the measured deformation pattern. The cameras placed near the dome floor do not disturb telescope operations. In the set-ups of DOT and GREGOR, these cameras are up to 8 meters away from the measured points and must be able to detect displacements of less than 0.1 mm. The cameras have a Fire Wire (IEEE 1394) interface to eliminate the need for frame grabbers. Each camera captures 15 images of 640 × 480 pixels per second. All data is processed on-site in real-time. In order to get the best estimate for the displacement within the constraints of available processing power, all image processing is done in Fourier-space, with all convolution operations being pre-computed once. A sub-pixel estimate of the peak of the correlation function is made. This enables to process the images of four cameras using only one commodity PC with a dual-core processor, and achieve an effective sensitivity of up to 0.01 mm. The deformation measurements are well correlated to the simultaneous wind measurements. The results are of high interest to upscaling the dome design (ELTs and solar telescopes).
机译:研究了DOT和GREGOR使用的可折叠穹顶的天气影响,特别是风场与金属框架和帐篷衣服产生的应力之间的相关性。摄像机系统可测量非接触式几个圆顶点的位移。应力来自所测得的变形模式。放置在圆顶地板附近的摄像机不会干扰望远镜的操作。在DOT和GREGOR的设置中,这些摄像机距离测量点最远8米,并且必须能够检测到小于0.1 mm的位移。摄像机具有Fire Wire(IEEE 1394)接口,从而无需使用图像采集卡。每个摄像机捕获每秒15张640×480像素的图像。所有数据均在现场进行实时处理。为了在可用处理能力的限制内获得最佳的位移估计,所有图像处理均在傅立叶空间中进行,所有卷积运算均被预先计算一次。进行相关函数的峰值的亚像素估计。这样一来,仅使用一台带有双核处理器的商用PC即可处理四台摄像机的图像,并实现高达0.01 mm的有效感光度。变形测量值与同时进行的风测量值具有很好的相关性。该结果对于提升圆顶设计(ELT和太阳望远镜)具有重大意义。



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