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Novel IP Skin Scoring with Unique Cold Knife Approach




In the past, the airbag, particularly the passenger airbag, was on display in a conspicuous location as an "extra",available at an additional charge and was considered a status symbol. Now, in the era of complete safetyequipment for small cars, more often the trend is to install the airbags invisibly. The necessary opening flap inthe interior component is covered with a decorative layer which must be scored from the B-side for safe opening.Realization of this scoring involves two conflicting objectives. On the one hand, the scoring of the componentmust be executed at a depth that ensures certain opening and, on the other hand, sufficient residual wall thicknessmust remain intact so that, even after years of intensive use and stress, the scoring line will continue to remaininvisible. Due to these requirements and due to the high economic risk associated with any potential failure of this highprofilesafety component, extremely rigorous requirements have been imposed on the residual wall thicknesstolerance value. Meeting these values is currently only able to be accomplished with the use of complex andexpensive process engineering technology. This paper introduces a novel approach that achieves the precisionand quality attained today, but at a significantly reduced cost and operating complexity, yet with increasedoperational reliability.
机译:过去,安全气囊,特别是乘客安全气囊,在显眼的位置以“额外”的形式展示, 可额外付费使用,并被视为状态符号。现在,在完全安全的时代 用于小型汽车的设备,更多的趋势是隐形安装安全气囊。必要的打开口盖 内部组件覆盖有装饰层,必须从B侧刻痕才能安全打开。 实现这种评分涉及两个相互矛盾的目标。一方面,组件的得分 必须在确保一定开口的深度下执行,另一方面,要确保足够的剩余壁厚 必须保持完好无损,以便即使经过多年的大量使用和压力,得分线仍将保持不变 无形的。由于这些要求以及与这种高姿态的任何潜在故障相关的高经济风险 安全组件,对残余壁厚提出了非常严格的要求 公差值。目前,只有通过使用复杂且复杂的方法才能实现这些价值。 昂贵的工艺技术。本文介绍了一种实现精度的新颖方法 并达到了今天的水平和质量,但是成本和操作复杂性大大降低,但是却增加了 操作可靠性。



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