首页> 外文会议>IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence >Finding Dominating Set from Verbal Contextual Graph for Personalized Search in Folksonomy

Finding Dominating Set from Verbal Contextual Graph for Personalized Search in Folksonomy




With the development of the Internet, user-generated data has been growing tremendously in Web 2.0 era. Facing such a big volume of resources in folksonomy, people need a method of fast exploration and indexing to find their demanded data. To achieve this goal, contextual information is indispensable and valuable to understand user preference and purpose. In sociolinguistics, context can be mainly categorized as verbal context and social context. Comparing with verbal context, social context not only requires domain knowledge to pre-define contextual attributes but also acquires additional data from users. However, there is no research of addressing irrelevant contextual factors for verbal context model so far. The dominating set from verbal context proposed in this paper is to fill this blank. We present the verbal context in folksonomy to capture the user intention, and propose a dominating set discovering method for this verbal context model to prune the irrelevant contextual factors and keep the major characteristics at the same time. Furthermore, the experiments, which are conducted on a public data set, show that the proposed method gives convincing results.
机译:随着Internet的发展,用户生成的数据在Web 2.0时代越来越大。面对愚蠢的资源,人们需要一种快速探索和索引的方法来查找其要求的数据。为了实现这一目标,上下文信息是必不可少的,可以理解用户偏好和目的的价值。在社会语言学中,上下文可以主要被分类为言语上下文和社会背景。与口头上下文进行比较,社会上下文不仅需要域知识来预先定义上下文属性,还需要从用户获取其他数据。然而,到目前为止,尚无研究言语上下文模型的无关语境因素。从本文提出的口头上下文中的主导集合是填补这个空白。我们在愚蠢的语言中提出了捕捉用户的意图,并提出了一个主导的集合发现方法,用于这种口头上下文模型来修剪无关的上下文因素并同时保持主要特征。此外,在公共数据集上进行的实验表明,该方法提供了令人信服的结果。



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