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Development of the Wave Energy Converter - Wave Dragon

机译:波浪能量转换器-Wave Dragon的开发



The development of the wave energy converter Wave Dragon (WD) is presented. The WD is based on the overtopping principle. Initially a description of the WD is given. Then the development over time in terms of the various research and development projects working with the concept is described. This is followed by a description of the different parts of the structure together with a description of how this specific design has been chosen. Plans for the future development are finally presented.
机译:介绍了波能转换器Wave Dragon(WD)的开发。 WD基于超越原则。最初给出了WD的描述。然后描述了随着该概念而进行的各种研究和开发项目随时间的发展。接下来是对结构不同部分的描述,以及如何选择此特定设计的描述。最终提出了未来的发展计划。



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