首页> 外文会议>International symposium on automotive technology and automation;ISATA 2000 >Transit scratchitti removal by controlled fire polishing

Transit scratchitti removal by controlled fire polishing




Graffiti vandalism in public transit system is a serious problem. While public transit authorities conquered paint or ink graffiti, a new type of graffiti vandalism emerged and prevails- the scratching/etching of polycarbonate and glass windows, called "scratchitti." As with the paint and ink graffiti, the "scratchitti" gives passengers the impression that vandals are running wild in the transit system. Unlike paint graffiti, the scratches can not be removed or hidden away and cause permanent damage. To run a scratch free fleet, New York City Transit would have to spend &60-70 million per year replacing windows. Nationally, clean-up costs for scratcitti run to
机译:公共交通系统中的涂鸦破坏行为是一个严重的问题。在公共交通当局征服油漆或油墨涂鸦的同时,出现了一种新型的涂鸦破坏行为,并盛行-刮擦/蚀刻聚碳酸酯和玻璃窗,称为“ scratchitti”。与油漆和墨水涂鸦一样,“ scratchitti”给旅客留下了破坏者在运输系统中狂奔的印象。与油漆涂鸦不同,划痕不能被去除或隐藏起来,并且会造成永久性损坏。要运行无刮擦车队,纽约市公交每年必须花费60-70百万美元来更换窗户。在全国范围内,刮刮乐的清理费用达到



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