首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2000, 2000 >CASPER: Concurrent hardware-software co-synthesis of hard real-timeaperiodic and periodic specifications of embedded system architectures

CASPER: Concurrent hardware-software co-synthesis of hard real-timeaperiodic and periodic specifications of embedded system architectures




Hardware-software co-synthesis of an embedded system requiresmapping of its specifications into hardware and software modules suchthat its real-time and other constraints are met. Embedded systemspecifications are generally represented by acyclic task graphs. Manyembedded system applications are characterized by aperiodic as well asperiodic task graphs. Aperiodic task graphs can arrive for execution atany time and their resource requirements vary depending on how theirconstituent tasks and edges are allocated. Traditional approaches basedon a fixed architecture coupled with slack stealing and/or on-linedetermination of how to serve aperiodic task graphs are not suitable forembedded systems with hard real-time constraints, since they cannotguarantee that such constraints would always be met. In this paper, weaddress the problem of concurrent co-synthesis of aperiodic and periodicspecifications of embedded systems. We estimate the resourcerequirements of aperiodic task graphs and allocate execution slots onprocessing elements and communication links for executing them. Ourapproach guarantees that the deadlines of both aperiodic and periodictask graphs are always met. We have observed that simultaneousconsideration of aperiodic task graphs while performing co-synthesis ofperiodic task graphs is vital for achieving superior results compared tothe traditional slack stealing and dynamic scheduling approaches. To thebest of our knowledge, this is the first co-synthesis algorithm whichprovides simultaneous support of periodic and aperiodic task graphs withhard real-time constraints. Application of the proposed algorithm toseveral examples from real-life telecom transport systems shows that upto 28% and 34% system cost savings are possible over co-synthesisalgorithms which employ slack stealing and rate-monotonic scheduling,respectively
机译:嵌入式系统的硬件-软件协同综合需要 将其规范映射到硬件和软件模块中,例如 满足其实时性和其他约束条件。嵌入式系统 规范通常由非循环任务图表示。许多 嵌入式系统应用程序的特点是非周期性以及 定期任务图。非周期性任务图可以在以下位置执行 任何时候,他们的资源需求都取决于他们的方式 组成任务和边缘被分配。基于传统方法 在固定架构上,加上偷窃和/或在线 确定如何服务非周期性任务图不适合 具有严格实时约束的嵌入式系统,因为它们不能 确保始终满足此类约束。在本文中,我们 解决非周期性和周期性同时合成的问题 嵌入式系统的规格。我们估算资源 非周期性任务图的要求,并分配执行时隙 处理元素和用于执行它们的通信链接。我们的 方法保证了非定期和定期的截止日期 任务图总是可以满足的。我们已经观察到 在执行以下任务的综合时考虑非周期性任务图 定期任务图对于获得卓越的结果至关重要 传统的偷窃和动态调度方法。到 据我们所知,这是第一个协同合成算法 同时提供周期性和非周期性任务图的支持 严格的实时约束。提出的算法在 现实生活中的电信运输系统的几个例子表明 通过协同合成,可以节省多达28%和34%的系统成本 使用松弛窃取和速率单调调度的算法, 分别



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