首页> 外文会议>IAF 50th International Astronautical Congress 4-8 Oct 1999/Amsterdam, The Netherlands >A view to the future: trans-atlantic space firms and us-european industrial policy co-ordination

A view to the future: trans-atlantic space firms and us-european industrial policy co-ordination




The aim of this paper is to show that co-ordination of the US and European industrial space policies to prevent collusion of the US and European firms and the opening up of the government-led space markets to Trans-Atlantic competitors will improve the efficiency of the respective space industries and welfare. To show this, different industrial structures are presented and compared with the use of relevant industrial economics models. First, the current industrial structure, where the US and tghe European space firms compete as duopolists in commercial space markets and face a monopoly in the domestic, government-led space market. Second, an industrial structure with opened-up to competition government-led space markets, and finally two more industrial structures representing the impact of collusion by the US and European space firms in the above cases. The comparison supports the hypothesis and points at clear implications for the US and European space policies, which assuming them lobby-free from their domestic space firms, should open-up their appropriate governmentled space markets and co-ordinate their policies to prevent collusion between the space firms.



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