首页> 外文会议>Foundations of Computer Science, 1999. 40th Annual Symposium on >A non-linear time lower bound for Boolean branching programs

A non-linear time lower bound for Boolean branching programs




We prove that for all positive integer k and for all sufficiently small /spl epsiv/<0 if n is sufficiently large then there is no Boolean (or 2-way) branching program of size less than 2/sup em/ which for all inputs X/spl sube/{0, 1, ..., n-1} computes in time kn the parity of the number of elements of the set of all pairs (x,y) with the property x/spl isin/X, y/spl isin/X, x>y, x+y/spl isin/X. For the proof of this fact we show that if A=(/spl alpha//sub i,j/)/sub i=0, j=0//sup n/ is a random n by n matrix over the field with 2 elements with the condition that "/spl forall/, j, k, l/spl isin/{0, 1, ..., n-1}, i+j=k+l implies /spl alpha//sub i,j/=/spl alpha//sub k,l/" then with a high probability the rank of each /spl delta by /spl delta submatrix of A is at least c/spl delta/|log /spl delta/|/sup -2, where c<0 is an absolute constant and n is sufficiently large with respect to /spl delta/.
机译:我们证明对于所有正整数k以及对于所有足够小的/ spl epsiv / <0(如果n足够大),则不存在大小小于2 / sup em /的布尔(或2路)分支程序,对于所有输入X / spl sube / {0,1,...,n-1}在时间kn中计算具有属性x / spl isin / X的所有对(x,y)集合中元素数量的奇偶性, y / spl isin / X,x> y,x + y / spl isin / X。为了证明这一事实,我们表明如果A =(/ spl alpha // sub i,j /)/ sub i = 0,则j = 0 // sup n /是2场上的n×n随机矩阵条件为“ / spl forall /,j,k,l / spl isin / {0,1,...,n-1},i + j = k + 1”的元素表示/ spl alpha // sub i, j / = / spl alpha // sub k,l /“,那么每个/ spl delta / n乘A的/ spl delta / n子矩阵的等级至少为c / spl delta / | log / spl delta / | / sup -2 / n,其中c <0是绝对常数,并且相对于/ spl delta /,n足够大。



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