首页> 外文会议>International marintec conference >The policies and development of China's shipping industry: China's port and shipping industries towards 21 st century

The policies and development of China's shipping industry: China's port and shipping industries towards 21 st century




It is a great pleasure for the me to have the opportunity to attend the tneth event of Miarintec China being held in Shanhai.We are at the turn of the century,a new millenium is drawing near to us.Chinam,with its deepenign of reform and opening-up policies,proides tremendous market and development opportunities for shipping industry.CHina's shipping and maritime industry is flourishign,and its maritime cooperation with other countries all ove the world is bound to have a more splendid prospect.Today.1 would like to take this opportuity to introdue to all of you China's current port and shipping situation,its future development and relevant policies in this regard.
机译:我很高兴有机会参加在上海举行的Miarintec China的tneth活动。我们正处于世纪之交,新的千年即将到来。中国的航运和海运业蓬勃发展,与世界其他国家的海运合作必将有更加辉煌的前景。今天。1借此机会向大家介绍中国目前的港口和航运形势,未来发展以及有关这方面的相关政策。



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