首页> 外文会议>Conference on cryogenic optical systems and instruments >Mount for a large potassium bromide beamsplitter in a cryogenic space a

Mount for a large potassium bromide beamsplitter in a cryogenic space a




Abstract: This paper describes an approach to mounting Potassium Bromide (KBr) optical elements that are expected to survive launch vibrations and a cryogenic environment. These KBr optics constitute the beamsplitter and compensator for a high-resolution, infrared Fourier transform spectrometer. This spectrometer is part of the Tropospheric Emissions Spectrometer (TES) instrument which will operate in the 3.2 to 15.4 $mu@m spectral range. TES is part of NASA's Earth Observing System initiative to better understand our Earth's environment. TES is designed to obtain data on tropospheric ozone and other gas molecules that lead to ozone formation. These data will be used to create a 3D model describing the global distribution of these gases to better understand global warming and ozone depletion. TES uses a Connes interferometer where the clear aperture (CA) responsible for splitting the science beam is distinct and separated by 108 mm from the CA with recombines the split beams. KBr has a low elastic limit and a high coefficient of thermal expansion, is highly soluble in water and is susceptible to degradation from humidity. These characteristics make it a rather difficult optical material to mount and protect from environments typically resisted by glass optics. The design described here uses a diameter to thickness aspect ratio of 6:1 (based on a 190 mm diameter) resulting in a rather massive element. Due to instrument mass and volume constraints in the interferometer, a pseudo-rectangular shape for the optical elements was devised and a graphite/cyanate ester support structure was designed to minimize the mass of the entire beamsplitter assembly. Vibration isolation of the optical elements was provided by RTV silicone pads, which were also designed to meet thermal stress concerns for the 180 K operating environment. Both structural and thermal analyses were performed to verify the initial design. Further vibration and thermal testing of development units is expected to uncover any unforeseen problems and to verify compliance in areas of concern. This paper addresses RTV silicone material properties required to properly support the KBr optics and predicted KBr stresses and RTV preloads and deflections derived from an analytical model of the design configuration. Results from thermal and vibration testing of development units will also be presented (if available) and compared to preliminary thermal and structural models.!5
机译:摘要:本文介绍了一种安装溴化钾(KBr)光学元件的方法,该元件有望在发射振动和低温环境中幸存下来。这些KBr光学器件构成高分辨率红外傅里叶变换光谱仪的分束器和补偿器。该光谱仪是对流层发射光谱仪(TES)仪器的一部分,将在3.2至15.4 $ mu @ m的光谱范围内工作。 TES是NASA地球观测系统计划的一部分,目的是更好地了解我们的地球环境。 TES旨在获取有关对流层臭氧和其他导致臭氧形成的气体分子的数据。这些数据将用于创建描述这些气体的全球分布的3D模型,以更好地了解全球变暖和臭氧消耗的情况。 TES使用Connes干涉仪,其中负责分开科学光束的通光孔径(CA)明显不同,并且与CA分开108毫米,并重新组合了分开的光束。 KBr具有低的弹性极限和高的热膨胀系数,高度溶于水,并且容易因湿度而降解。这些特性使它很难安装在光学材料上并保护其免受通常由玻璃光学器件所抵抗的环境的影响。此处描述的设计使用的直径与厚度的长宽比为6:1(基于190 mm的直径),从而导致了相当大的元素。由于干涉仪中仪器的质量和体积的限制,设计了光学元件的伪矩形形状,并设计了石墨/氰酸酯支撑结构以最小化整个分束器组件的质量。光学元件的振动隔离是由RTV硅树脂垫提供的,该硅垫还旨在满足180 K操作环境下的热应力问题。进行了结构和热分析,以验证初始设计。预计开发单元将进行进一步的振动和热测试,以发现任何无法预料的问题,并验证所关注领域的合规性。本文介绍了正确支持KBr光学器件所需的RTV硅树脂材料特性,以及预测的KBr应力以及从设计配置的分析模型得出的RTV预紧和挠度。还将显示开发单元的热和振动测试结果(如果有),并与初步的热和结构模型进行比较!5



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