首页> 外文会议>Frontiers in Education Conference, 1998. FIE '98. 28th Annual >See one, do one, teach one...two faculty member's path through student-centered learning

See one, do one, teach one...two faculty member's path through student-centered learning




The practice of using active learning as a teaching paradigm has been a mainstay of the K-12 community for a long time. Its success at keeping students engaged and learning has been well documented. In 1994, Iowa State University started a program called Project LEA/RN (Learning Enhancement Action/Resource Network) whose goal is to provide training, resources, and encouragement to faculty members who want to improve student learning by employing active learning techniques in their classrooms. Interested faculty commit to bi-monthly LEA/RN groups (workshops) where they learn and practice effective teaching strategies. Each workshop session gives a faculty member a new or refined strategy to try out in their next class. This paper describes the journey started by professors Davis and Jacobson, both faculty in Computer Engineering at Iowa State, to improve their classes from a traditional lecture format to a student-centered interactive learning experience. The paper addresses how the two made the transition from workshop participants to actually facilitating their own workshops. Issues discussed in the paper include: the importance of facilitator training, how to model active learning in the workshops and in class, methods for keeping faculty interest in the workshops, and methods to show other faculty members the benefits of learner-centered pedagogy.
机译:长期以来,使用主动学习作为教学范式的做法一直是K-12社区的主流。它在保持学生参与和学习方面的成功已得到了很好的证明。 1994年,爱荷华州立大学启动了一个名为“ LEA / RN项目”(学习增强行动/资源网络)的计划,其目的是为希望通过在课堂上采用主动学习技术来改善学生学习的教职员工提供培训,资源和鼓励。 。感兴趣的教师承诺每两个月进行一次LEA / RN小组(工作坊)的学习和练习有效的教学策略。每次研讨会都为教员提供了一种新的或完善的策略,供他们在下一堂课中尝试。本文描述了爱荷华州计算机工程学院的戴维斯和雅各布森教授所开始的旅程,该旅程将他们的课程从传统的授课形式提高到以学生为中心的交互式学习体验。该论文探讨了两者如何从讲习班参与者过渡到实际为自己的讲习班提供便利。本文讨论的问题包括:辅导员培训的重要性,如何在研讨会和课堂上为主动学习建模,保持教师对研讨会的兴趣的方法以及向其他教师展示以学习者为中心的教学法的好处的方法。



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