首页> 外文会议>Advances in Laser Remote Sensing for Terrestrial and Oceanographic Applications >Airborne and laboratory remote sensing applications of the CSIRO CO2 laser spectrometer MIRACO2LAS

Airborne and laboratory remote sensing applications of the CSIRO CO2 laser spectrometer MIRACO2LAS

机译:CSIRO CO2激光光谱仪MIRACO2LAS的机载和实验室遥感应用



Abstract: The mid-infrared airborne CO$-2$/ laser spectrometer(MIRACO$- 2$/LAS) was developed by CSIRO Division ofExploration and Mining to investigate the potentialrole of high spectral resolution thermal infrared (TIR)remote sensing for improved remote sensing of minerals,especially those silicate minerals that do not havediagnostic features at shorter wavelengths, such asquartz, feldspars, pyroxenes and garnets. Otherobjectives include testing and validating methods usedto separate the mineralogically significant emissivityfrom temperature effects in passive TIR systems, asMIRACO$-2$/LAS reflectance data are unaffected bysurface temperature effects. MIRACO$-2$/LAS uses aCO$-2$/ laser, which scans through 100 wavelengthsbetween 9.1 and 11.2 micrometers, as a light source for'active' remote sensing. The laser system issufficiently rapidly tuned to allow the airborne systemto operate in a line profile mode, producing contiguousground reflectance spectra for a footprint (or pixel)diameter of 2 meters. Typical airborne data arepresented, demonstrating successful identification of anumber of minerals. A laboratory carbon-dioxide laserspectrometer system has also been developed to validatethe MIRACO$-2$/LAS spectral signatures and to constructreference spectral libraries of pure minerals and othermaterials. Besides the compositional influence on thereflectance spectra, physical parameters, such as grainsize and grain shape, are shown to affect thereflectance spectra. Plant materials, many of whichdepart significantly from blackbody behavior fordifferent leaf orientations and arrangements, are alsoinvestigated. !10
机译:摘要:CSIRO勘探与开采部开发了中红外机载CO $ -2 $ /激光光谱仪(MIRACO $ -2 $ / LAS),以研究高光谱分辨率热红外(TIR)遥感技术的潜力,以改善远程感应矿物,尤其是那些在较短波长下没有诊断特征的硅酸盐矿物,例如石英,长石,辉石和石榴石。其他目标包括测试和验证方法,该方法用于将矿物学上显着的发射率与被动TIR系统中的温度效应区分开,因为MIRACO $ -2 / LAS反射率数据不受表面温度效应的影响。 MIRACO $ -2 $ / LAS使用COCO-2 $ /激光作为“主动”遥感的光源,该激光扫描9.1至11.2微米之间的100个波长。激光系统足够快速地进行调谐,以使机载系统能够以线轮廓模式运行,从而产生2米足迹(或像素)直径的连续地面反射光谱。给出了典型的机载数据,证明了对多种矿物的成功鉴定。还开发了实验室二氧化碳激光光谱仪系统,以验证MIRACO $ -2 $ / LAS光谱特征并构建纯矿物和其他材料的参考光谱库。除了组成对反射光谱的影响外,还显示了物理参数(例如晶粒尺寸和晶粒形状)会影响反射光谱。还研究了植物材料,其中许多材料与黑体行为明显不同,因为叶片的方向和排列方式不同。 !10


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