




Spacecraft safing designs generally have minimal goals with loose pointing requirements.Safe pointing orientations for three-axis stabilized spacecraft areusually chosen to put the spacecraft into a thermally safe and power-positiveorientation. In addition, safe mode designs are required to be simple and reliable.This simplicity lends itself to the usage of analog sun sensors, becausedigital sun sensors will add unwanted complexity to the safe hold mode.The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Core Observatory willlaunch into lower earth orbit (LEO) at an inclination of 65 degrees. The GPMinstrument suite consists of an active radar system and a passive microwaveimager to provide the next-generation global observations of rain and snow.The complexity and precision of these instruments along with the operationalconstraints of the mission result in tight pointing requirements during allphases of the mission. To ensure the instruments are not damaged duringspacecraft safing, thermal constraints dictate that the solar pointing orientationmust be maintained to better than 6.5 degrees. This requirement is outside thecapabilities of a typical analog sun sensor suite, primarily due to the effects ofEarth's albedo. To ensure mission success, a new analog sensor, along with theappropriate algorithms, is needed.This paper discusses the design issues involving albedo effects on spacecraftpointing and the development of a simple, low-cost analog sensor and algorithmthat will address the needs of the GPM mission. In addition, the algorithmsare designed to be easily integrated into the existing attitude determinationsoftware by using common interfaces. The sensor design is based on aheritage, commercial off-the-shelf analog sun sensors with a limitedfield-of-view to reduce the effects of Earth's albedo. High fidelity simulationresults are presented that demonstrate the efficacy of the design.
机译:航天器的安全设计通常具有最小的目标和宽松的定位要求。 三轴稳定航天器的安全指向方向为 通常选择将航天器置于热安全且功率正的状态 方向。另外,要求安全模式设计必须简单可靠。 这种简单性使其易于使用模拟太阳传感器,因为 数字阳光传感器会给安全保持模式增加不必要的复杂性。 全球降水测量(GPM)任务核心天文台将 以65度的倾角射入低地球轨道(LEO)。 GPM 仪器套件包括一个有源雷达系统和一个无源微波 该成像仪可​​提供下一代全球雨雪观测资料。 这些仪器的复杂性和精确度以及操作性 任务的约束导致在整个过程中要求指向明确 任务的各个阶段。为确保仪器在使用过程中不被损坏 航天器的安全性,热约束决定了太阳指向的方向 必须保持在6.5度以上。此要求超出了 典型模拟阳光传感器套件的功能,主要是由于以下因素的影响: 地球的反照率。为了确保任务成功,新的模拟传感器以及 需要适当的算法。 本文讨论了涉及航天器反照率效应的设计问题 指向和开发简单,低成本的模拟传感器和算法 这将解决GPM任务的需求。另外,算法 旨在轻松集成到现有的姿态确定中 通过使用通用接口的软件。传感器设计基于 传统的商用现成模拟太阳传感器,功能有限 减少地球反照率影响的视野。高保真模拟 提出的结果证明了设计的有效性。



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