
Mining Frequent Differences in File Collections




Collections of textual files, or documents, with substantial inter-document similarities are common in diverse domains. A practically significant class of such similarities, and the dual differences, are well characterized by edit scripts, or colloquially diffs, that use a simple sequence model for documents. The study of such diffs provides valuable insights into the inter-document relationships within a collection and can guide data integration within and across collections. This paper describes a framework for such study that is based on frequently occurring inter-document differences. It motivates and defines a general problem of mining frequent differences and outlines some specific instances. It presents the design and implementation of a prototype system for interactively discovering and visualizing frequent differences. A notable feature of this method is its use of difference-components, or deltas, to bootstrap the discovery of interesting structure in file collections. The paper describes a preliminary experimental evaluation of the method and implementation on a widely used corpus of file-collections.



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