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Lyndon Words versus Inverse Lyndon Words: Queries on Suffixes and Bordered Words




The Lyndon factorization of a word has been extensively studied in different contexts and several variants of it have been proposed. In particular, the canonical inverse Lyndon factorization ICFL, introduced in [5], maintains the main properties of the Lyndon factorization since it can be computed in linear time and it is uniquely determined. In this paper we investigate new properties of this factorization with the purpose of exploring its use in string queries. As a main result, we prove an upper bound on the length of the longest common extension (or longest common prefix) for two factors of a word w. This bound is at most the maximum length of two consecutive factors of ICFL(w). A tool used in the proof is a property that we state for factors with nonempty borders in ICFL(w): a nonempty border of a factor m_i cannot be a prefix of the next factor m_(i+1). Another interesting result relates sorting of global suffixes, i.e., suffixes of a word w, and sorting of local suffixes, i.e., suffixes of the factors in ICFL(w). Finally, given a word w and a factor x of w, we prove that their Lyndon factorizations share factors, except for the first and last term of the Lyndon factorization of x. This property suggests that, given two words sharing a common overlap, their Lyndon factorizations could be used to capture the common overlap of these two words.
机译:一个单词的Lyndon因式分解已在不同的上下文中进行了广泛的研究,并提出了它的几种变体。特别地,在[5]中引入的规范逆Lyndon因式分解ICFL保持了Lyndon因式分解的主要属性,因为它可以在线性时间内计算并且可以唯一确定。在本文中,我们研究此分解的新属性,以探索其在字符串查询中的使用。作为主要结果,我们证明了单词w的两个因子的最长公共扩展名(或最长公共前缀)的长度的上限。此界限最大为ICFL(w)的两个连续因子的最大长度。证明中使用的工具是一种属性,我们针对ICFL(w)中具有非空边界的因子声明状态:因子m_i的非空边界不能成为下一个因子m_(i + 1)的前缀。另一个有趣的结果涉及对全局后缀(即单词w的后缀)进行排序,以及对局部后缀(即ICFL(w)中的因子后缀)进行排序。最后,给定单词w和w的因数x,我们证明它们的Lyndon因式分解共享因数,除了x的Lyndon因式分解的第一项和最后一项。此属性表明,给定两个单词共享一个公共重叠,可以使用它们的Lyndon因式分解来捕获这两个单词的公共重叠。



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