首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems >An Agnostic Data-Driven Approach to Predict Stoppages of Industrial Packing Machine in Near

An Agnostic Data-Driven Approach to Predict Stoppages of Industrial Packing Machine in Near




As data awareness in manufacturing companies increases with the deployment of sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, data-driven maintenance and prediction have become quite popular in the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Machine Learning (ML) has been recognised as a promising, efficient and reliable tool for fault detection use cases, as it allows to export important knowledge from monitored assets. Scientists deal with issues such as the small amount of data that indicate potential problems, or the imbalance which exists between the standard process data and the data inadequacy of the systems to make a high precision forecast. Currently, in this context, even large industries are not able to effectively predict abnormal behaviors in their tools, processes and equipment, when adopting strategies to anticipate crucial events. In this paper, we propose a methodology to enable prediction of a packing machine’s stoppages in manufacturing process of a large industry, by using forecasting techniques based on univariate time series data. There are more than 100 reasons that cause the machine to stop, in a quite big production line length. However, we use a single signal, concerning the machines operational status to make our prediction, without considering other fault or warning signals, hence its characterization as "agnostic". A workflow is presented for cleaning and preprocessing the data, and for training and evaluating a predictive model. Two predictive models, namely ARIMA and Prophet, are applied and evaluated on real data from an advanced machining process used for packing. Training and evaluation tests indicate that the results of the applied methods perform well on a daily basis. Our work can be further extended and act as reference for future research activities that could lead to more robust and accurate prediction frameworks.
机译:随着传感器和物联网(IoT)设备的部署,制造公司的数据意识日益增强,数据驱动的维护和预测已在Industry 4.0范式中变得非常流行。机器学习(ML)被认为是用于故障检测用例的有前途,高效且可靠的工具,因为它可以从受监视的资产中导出重要的知识。科学家处理诸如表明潜在问题的数据量少或标准过程数据与系统数据不足之间存在的不平衡之类的问题,以进行高精度的预测。当前,在这种情况下,当采用策略预测关键事件时,即使是大型行业也无法有效地预测其工具,过程和设备中的异常行为。在本文中,我们提出了一种方法,该方法可以通过使用基于单变量时间序列数据的预测技术来预测大型工业制造过程中的包装机停工情况。在相当长的生产线长度中,有100多种导致机器停机的原因。但是,我们只使用有关机器运行状态的信号来进行预测,而不考虑其他故障或警告信号,因此将其表征为“不可知论”。提出了一个工作流,用于清理和预处理数据,以及训练和评估预测模型。应用了两个预测模型,即ARIMA和Prophet,并对来自用于包装的高级加工过程的真实数据进行了评估。培训和评估测试表明,所应用方法的结果每天都表现良好。我们的工作可以进一步扩展,并为将来的研究活动提供参考,这些研究活动可能会导致更健壮和准确的预测框架。



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