首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Image and Signal Processing >Object Detector Combination for Increasing Accuracy and Detecting More Overlapping Objects

Object Detector Combination for Increasing Accuracy and Detecting More Overlapping Objects




Object detection is considered as the cornerstone of many modern applications such as Drone vision and Self-driven cars. Object detectors, mainly those which are based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have received great attention from many researchers because they were able to yield remarkable results. However, most of them fail when it comes to detecting overlapping and small objects in images. There are two families of detectors: the first family detects more objects but with imprecise bounding boxes, while those of the second family do the opposite. In this paper, we propose a solution to this problem by combining the two families, in a way similar to classifier combination. Our solution has been validated through the combination of two famous detectors, Faster R-CNN which detects more objects and YOLO which produces accurate bounding boxes. However, it is more general and it can be applied to other detectors. The evaluation of our method has been applied to the PASCAL VOC dataset and it gave promising results.
机译:对象检测被认为是许多现代应用的基础,例如无人机视觉和自动驾驶汽车。目标检测器(主要是基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的检测器)由于能够产生显着的结果而受到了许多研究人员的关注。但是,在检测图像中重叠的小物体时,大多数失败。探测器分为两个家族:第一个家族探测更多的物体,但边界框不精确,而第二个家族则相反。在本文中,我们以类似于分类器组合的方式,通过将两个族组合在一起,提出了解决该问题的方法。我们的解决方案已通过结合两个著名的检测器,即检测更多物体的Faster R-CNN和产生精确边界框的YOLO的验证,得到了验证。但是,它更为通用,可以应用于其他检测器。我们的方法的评估已应用于PASCAL VOC数据集,并给出了可喜的结果。



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