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Models for Hand Gesture Recognition using Deep Learning




According to the World Health organization, 5% of the world population, approximately 466 million people, is deaf and/or mute or has disabling hearing loss. There is often a wall of distinction between handicapped people and normal people. We communicate to share our thoughts but for a disabled person (mainly deaf and dumb), it becomes difficult to communicate. Inability to speak is considered to be a true form of disability. For such people, sign language or Braille is the only means of communication. Sign Language is a way of communication using hand gestures. However, it becomes difficult for them to communicate with others as most don’t understand sign language. Hence, we aim at bridging this communication gap, between a deaf/mute person and others, by developing a system which acts as a mediator between both. We propose a hand gesture recognition system which works in 4 steps: 1. Generate a live stream of hand gestures using web-cam. 2. Form images from the video using video frames. 3. Preprocess these images. 4. Recognize sign language hand-gestures and convert into text/audio output. The system is implemented using the concepts of image processing and neural networks. We have tested the proposed models using Kaggle dataset, our dataset and a dataset formed after combining both. We propose to eliminate the ambiguity introduced in the results by inculcating variation in the background. Most of the models give similar accuracy of the test results for both plain and cluttered background.
机译:根据世界卫生组织的统计,世界人口的5%(约4.66亿)是聋哑和/或无声或有致残的听力损失。残障人士和正常人之间常常存在一堵墙。我们通过交流来分享自己的想法,但是对于残疾人(主要是聋哑人)来说,交流变得很困难。不能说话被认为是一种真正的残疾形式。对于这类人,手语或盲文是唯一的交流手段。手语是一种使用手势进行交流的方式。但是,由于大多数人不懂手语,因此与他人交流变得困难。因此,我们的目标是通过开发在两者之间充当中介者的系统来弥合聋哑人与其他人之间的沟通鸿沟。我们提出一种手势识别系统,该系统可分4个步骤工作:1.使用网络摄像头生成实时手势流。 2.使用视频帧从视频中形成图像。 3.预处理这些图像。 4.识别手语手势,并转换为文本/音频输出。该系统使用图像处理和神经网络的概念来实现。我们已经使用Kaggle数据集,我们的数据集以及将两者合并后形成的数据集测试了建议的模型。我们建议通过灌输背景变化来消除结果中引入的歧义。对于纯净背景和杂乱背景,大多数模型都给出了相似的测试结果准确度。



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