首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications >Research on Humanized Design of Unmanned System Control Station Based on TRIZ and QFD

Research on Humanized Design of Unmanned System Control Station Based on TRIZ and QFD




This is a research report on the improvement of the humanized elements of unmanned system control station design. For this purpose, the first step is to set the ergonomics elements in control station design as user requirements, which are divided into three levels: physiological needs, psychological needs, and ergonomic needs. Besides, by further proposing analytical method based on user requirements priorities of AHP, the authors of the present report employ HOQ combining user requirements and their corresponding ergonomic design characteristics to solve relative design problems through TRIZ theory related methods. Finally, the feasibility and effectiveness of the above techniques and methods are verified by use of examples.



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