首页> 外文会议>Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society >Predicting Electrical Storm Using Episodes’ Parameters from ICD Recorded Data*

Predicting Electrical Storm Using Episodes’ Parameters from ICD Recorded Data*




Electrical storm (ES) is a life-threatening heart condition for patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs). ICD patients experienced episodes are at higher risk for ES. However, predicting ES using previous episodes’ parameters recorded by ICDs have never been developed. This study aims to predict ES using machine learning models based on ICD remote monitoring-summaries during episodes in the anonymized large number of patients.Episode ICD-summaries from 16,022 patients were used to construct and evaluate two models, logistic regression and random forest, for predicting the short-term risk of ES.Episode parameters in this study included the total number of sustained episodes, shocks delivered and the cycle length parameters. The models evaluated on the data sections not used for model development.Random forest performed significantly better than logistic regression (P < 0.01), achieving a test accuracy of 0.99 and an Area Under an ROC Curve (AUC) of 0.93 (vs. an accuracy of 0.98 and an AUC of 0.90). The total number of previous sustained episodes was the most relevant variables in the both models.
机译:对于使用植入式心脏复律除颤器(ICD)的患者,电风暴(ES)是威胁生命的心脏病。经历发作的ICD患者发生ES的风险更高。但是,从未开发过使用ICD记录的前几集参数预测ES的方法。这项研究旨在使用匿名的大量患者发作期间使用基于ICD远程监控摘要的机器学习模型来预测ES。使用来自16022名患者的ICD摘要构建和评估两个模型,即Logistic回归和随机森林。预测ES的短期风险。这项研究中的参数包括持续发作的总数,传递的电击和周期长度参数。模型在未用于模型开发的数据部分进行了评估。随机森林的性能明显优于逻辑回归(P <0.01),测试精度为0.99,ROC曲线下面积(AUC)为0.93(相对于精度)。 0.98和0.90的AUC)。在这两个模型中,先前持续发作的总数是最相关的变量。



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