首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces >Using Siamese Neural Networks to Perform Cross-System Behavioral Authentication in Virtual Reality

Using Siamese Neural Networks to Perform Cross-System Behavioral Authentication in Virtual Reality




In this paper, we provide an approach on using behavioral biometrics to perform cross-system high-assurance authentication of users in virtual reality (VR) environments. VR is currently being explored as a critical tool to ensure seamless delivery of essential services, such as education, healthcare, and personal finance, while enabling users to work from home environments. Due to the sensitive nature of personal data generated, VR applications for essential services need to provide secure access. Traditional PIN or password-based credentials can be breached by malicious impostors, or be handed over by an intended user of a VR system to a confederate to assist the intended user in completing a task, e.g., an exam or a physical therapy routine. Existing approaches that use the behavior of the user in VR as a biometric signature fail when users provide enrollment and use-time data on different VR systems. We use Siamese neural networks to learn a distance function that characterizes the systematic differences between data provided across pairs of dissimilar VR systems. Our approach provides average equal error rates (EERs) ranging from 1.38% to 3.86% for authentication using a benchmark dataset that consists of 41 users performing a ball-throwing task with 3 VR systems-an Oculus Quest, an HTC Vive, and an HTC Vive Cosmos. To compare to prior approaches in VR biometrics, we also obtain average accuracies for the task of identification, where given an input user's trajectory in a use-time VR system, we use Siamese networks to return the user with the top matching trajectory in an enrollment VR system as the label. We report identification results ranging from 87.82% to 98.53% with average improvements of 29.78%±8.58% and 30.78%±3.68% over existing approaches that use generic distance matching and fully convolutional networks on the enrollment dataset respectively.
机译:在本文中,我们提供了一种方法,使用行为生物识别方法在虚拟现实(VR)环境中对用户的跨系统高保证身份验证进行跨系统。 VR目前正在探索为一个关键工具,以确保无缝提供基本服务,例如教育,医疗保健和个人金融,同时使用户能够在家庭环境中工作。由于所生成的个人数据的敏感性,基本服务的VR应用程序需要提供安全访问。传统的PIN或基于密码的凭据可以由恶意冒名转诊或由VR系统的预期用户交给同盟者,以帮助预期用户完成任务,例如考试或物理治疗程序。当用户在不同的VR系统上提供注册和使用时间数据时,使用VR中用户的行为的现有方法失败了。我们使用暹罗神经网络来学习距离功能,其特征在于跨不同VR系统对提供的数据之间的系统差异。我们的方法提供平均等同的错误率(eERs),使用基准数据集进行身份验证的平均相同的错误率(eERs),该基准数据集由41个用户组成的41个用户,该数据集与3 VR系统进行3 VR系统 - OCULUS任务,HTC Vive和HTC vive cosmos。要比较VR生物识别性的现有方法,我们还获得了识别任务的平均准确性,在给定输入用户在使用时间VR系统中的轨迹,我们使用暹罗网络将用户返回登记中的顶级匹配轨迹VR系统作为标签。我们报告了87.82%至98.53%的鉴定结果,平均改善分别在注册数据集上使用通用距离匹配和完全卷积网络的现有方法,平均改善为29.78%±8.58%和30.78%±3.68%。



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