首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Engineering Education >Developing Intellectual Property Law and Innovation Course Syllabus for Engineering Undergraduates of Universiti Teknologi MARA

Developing Intellectual Property Law and Innovation Course Syllabus for Engineering Undergraduates of Universiti Teknologi MARA

机译:为MARA Teknologi MARA工科学生开发知识产权法和创新课程提纲



This paper reports the findings of a comparative study of course syllabus of the universities from four countries that teach Intellectual property (IP) law and innovation to engineering undergraduates. Several international studies report that the extent of IP law and innovation being taught at undergraduate level is currently very limited and most engineering students have low level of knowledge and awareness on the application of of IP law into innovation. Hence, the need to develop a course syllabus that integrates IP law and innovation to prepare engineering undergraduates in the creative and innovative economy. This study compared the course syllabus of universities that offer IP law and innovation course to engineering undergraduates. The scope of comparison are the course objectives, course learning outcomes, course description, syllabus content, teaching methodology and course assessment. The findings from the comparative study help to provide an insight towards the development of IP law and innovation course syllabus for engineering undergraduates of Universiti Teknologi MARA.
机译:本文报告了对四个国家的大学课程大纲进行比较研究的结果,这些大学向工程专业的本科生教授知识产权(IP)法和创新。几项国际研究报告说,目前在本科层次上教授知识产权法和创新的程度非常有限,大多数工程专业的学生对将知识产权法应用于创新的知识和意识水平较低。因此,有必要制定一个将知识产权法与创新相结合的课程提纲,以培养从事创意和创新经济的工科学生。本研究比较了向工科本科生提供知识产权法和创新课程的大学的课程提纲。比较的范围是课程目标,课程学习成果,课程说明,课程大纲内容,教学方法和课程评估。比较研究的结果有助于为Teknologi MARA大学的工科学生提供有关知识产权法和创新课程提纲发展的见识。



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