首页> 外文会议>CCF international conference on natural language processing and Chinese computing >Automated Thematic and Emotional Modern Chinese Poetry Composition

Automated Thematic and Emotional Modern Chinese Poetry Composition




Topic and emotion are two essential elements in poetry creation, and also have critical impact on the quality of poetry. Inspired by this motivation, we propose a novel model to inject rich topics and emotions into modern Chinese poetry generation simultaneously in this paper. For this purpose, our model leverages three novel mechanisms including (1) learning specific emotion embeddings and incorporate them into decoding process; (2) mining latent topics and encode them via a joint attention mechanism; and (3) enhancing content diversity by encouraging coverage scores in beam search process. Experimental results show that our proposed model can not only generate poems with rich topics and emotions, but can also improve the poeticness of generated poems significantly.
机译:主题和情感是诗歌创作的两个基本要素,对诗歌的质量也具有至关重要的影响。在这种动机的启发下,我们提出了一种新颖的模型,可以将丰富的主题和情感同时注入到现代中国诗歌的产生中。为此,我们的模型利用了三种新颖的机制,包括:(1)学习特定的情感嵌入并将其纳入解码过程; (2)挖掘潜在主题并通过联合关注机制对它们进行编码; (3)通过鼓励波束搜索过程中的覆盖率得分来增强内容多样性。实验结果表明,本文提出的模型不仅可以生成题材丰富,情感丰富的诗歌,而且可以显着提高诗歌的诗性。



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