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Rank Restricted Isometry Property Implies the Rank Robust Null Space Property in Compressed Sensing for Matrix Recovery




Compressed sensing refers to the recovery of high-dimensional but low-complexity entities from a small number of measurements. Two canonical examples of compressed sensing are the recovery of high-dimensional but sparse vectors, and high-dimensional but low-rank matrices. There is considerable literature on sufficient conditions for achieving these.In vector recovery, the restricted isometry property (RIP) and the robust null space property (RNSP) are two of the most commonly used sufficient conditions. Until recently, they were viewed as two separate sufficient conditions. However, in a recent paper [1], the present authors have shown that in fact the RIP implies the RNSP, thus establishing that any result in vector recovery that can be proved using the RIP can also be proved using the RNSP.In matrix recovery, the analogous sufficient conditions are the rank restricted isometry property (RRIP), and the rank robust null space property (RRNSP). Until now no relationship was available between the two properties. In the present paper, we show that the RRIP implies the RRNSP. Thus, as in the case of vector recovery, any result that can be proven using the rank restricted isometry property can also be proven using the rank restricted null space property.
机译:压缩感测是指从少量测量中恢复高维但低复杂度的实体。压缩感测的两个典型示例是高维但稀疏向量的恢复,以及高维但低秩的矩阵。在实现这些条件的充分条件方面有大量文献。在矢量恢复中,受限等距特性(RIP)和鲁棒零空间特性(RNSP)是最常用的两个条件。直到最近,它们还被视为两个独立的充分条件。但是,在最近的论文[1]中,本研究的作者表明,RIP实际上暗指RNSP,因此可以确定,使用RIP可以证明的向量恢复中的任何结果也可以使用RNSP来证明。 ,类似的充分条件是等级受限等距属性(RRIP)和等级鲁棒零空间属性(RRNSP)。到目前为止,两个属性之间没有可用的关系。在本文中,我们表明RRIP隐含了RRNSP。因此,与矢量恢复的情况一样,可以使用等级限制的等距特性证明任何结果,也可以使用等级限制的零空间特性证明。



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