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A Topic Modeling based Approach for Mining Online Social Media Data




Dialogues authored by customers, or other social media users on social media platforms, provide focus into their perceptions, opinions, sentiments and concerns. Over the years, a huge extent of development in social media data has taken place. Examining this social media data has become a gigantic challenge. It is critical for businesses to grasp worthy knowledge from their customers, by gathering and surveying data produced by users on social media. Also if the organizations want to concentrate on any one specific aspect, they have to scan through the whole dataset, even though they needed to have access only to a few opinions/reviews of interest. So here we propose an approach such that the organization is able to deeply analyze, understand and gain knowledge from the data. We go about in the following way to mine online social media data. 1] Gathering the data 2] Topic Modelling 3] Classification and 4] Sentiment Analysis on the data. Here we present an approach that attempts to make the process of mining online data dynamic. Topic modelling here helps make in depth study about only one particular domain and get deeper insights regarding the same. We study two different topic modelling algorithms: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Non Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). Also we attempt to make an improvement over the standard LDA algorithm for optimizing clusters, by integrating it with K medoids clustering algorithm.
机译:客户或其他社交媒体用户在社交媒体平台上编写的对话将重点放在他们的看法,观点,情感和关注上。多年来,社交媒体数据的发展已经取得了很大的发展。检查此社交媒体数据已成为一项巨大的挑战。对于企业来说,通过收集和调查用户在社交媒体上生成的数据来掌握客户的有价值的知识至关重要。同样,如果组织想要专注于任何一个特定方面,即使他们只需要访问一些感兴趣的意见/评论,他们也必须扫描整个数据集。因此,在这里我们提出一种方法,使组织能够深入分析,理解并从数据中获取知识。我们通过以下方式来挖掘在线社交媒体数据。 1]收集数据2]主题建模3]分类和4]对数据的情感分析。在这里,我们提出一种尝试使在线数据挖掘过程动态化的方法。此处的主题建模有助于仅对一个特定领域进行深入研究,并获得有关该领域的更深刻见解。我们研究了两种不同的主题建模算法:潜在狄利克雷分配(LDA)和非负矩阵分解(NMF)。此外,我们尝试通过将其与K medoids聚类算法集成在一起,对用于优化聚类的标准LDA算法进行改进。



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