首页> 外文会议>Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing >3D-AMAP: A Latency-Aware Task Mapping onto 3D Mesh-Based NoCs with Partially-Filled TSVs

3D-AMAP: A Latency-Aware Task Mapping onto 3D Mesh-Based NoCs with Partially-Filled TSVs




This paper proposes a latency-aware task mapping algorithm called 3D-AMAP for 3D mesh-based NoCs with partially-filled TSVs. The 3D-AMAP algorithm divides communications of a given application graph into Low-volume (LV) and High-Volume (HV) communications. The 3D-AMAP algorithm bypasses the LV communications to partition the given application graph to some subgraphs. Then, 3D-AMAP algorithm fairly assigns 4-neighbor cores of the mesh topology between the high traffic rate tasks of the application graph to reach the bestmapping. The proposed mapping algorithm maps application subgraphs one by one based on their total intra communications considering where the vertical channels are located in the network. Evaluations of the 3D-AMAP mapping algorithm are done in a wide range of working conditions using Access Noxim NoC simulator in terms of network latency. Results show that 3D-AMAP algorithm offers at least 5% and at most 76% in network latencywith respect to NMAP algorithm.
机译:本文针对具有部分填充的TSV的基于3D网格的NoC提出了一种称为3D-AMAP的等待时间感知任务映射算法。 3D-AMAP算法将给定应用图的通信分为低容量(LV)和高容量(HV)通信。 3D-AMAP算法绕过LV通信,以将给定的应用程序图划分为一些子图。然后,3D-AMAP算法在应用程序图的高流量任务之间公平分配网格拓扑的4个邻居核心,以达到最佳映射。考虑到垂直通道在网络中的位置,提出的映射算法基于应用程序子图的总内部通信来一一映射。在网络延迟方面,使用Access Noxim NoC模拟器可在各种​​工作条件下对3D-AMAP映射算法进行评估。结果表明,相对于NMAP算法,3D-AMAP算法可提供至少5%的网络延迟,最多可提供76%的网络延迟。



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