首页> 外文会议>International conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence >Alternative Variable Splitting Methods to Learn Sum-Product Networks

Alternative Variable Splitting Methods to Learn Sum-Product Networks




Sum-Product Networks (SPNs) are recent deep probabilistic models providing exact and tractable inference. SPNs have been successfully employed as density estimators in several application domains. However, learning an SPN from high dimensional data still poses a challenge in terms of time complexity. This is due to the high cost of determining independencies among random variables (RVs) and sub-populations among samples, two operations that are repeated several times. Even one of the simplest greedy structure learner, LearnSPN, scales quadratically in the number of the variables to determine RVs independencies. In this work we investigate approximate but fast procedures to determine independencies among RVs whose complexity scales in sub-quadratic time. We propose two procedures: a random subspace approach and one that adopts entropy as a criterion to split RVs in linear time. Experimental results prove that LearnSPN equipped by our splitting procedures is able to reduce learning and/or inference times while preserving comparable inference accuracy.
机译:Sum-Product Networks(SPN)是最新的深度概率模型,可提供精确且易于处理的推断。 SPN已成功地在几个应用领域中用作密度估算器。但是,从时间上的复杂性来看,从高维数据中学习SPN仍然是一个挑战。这是由于确定随机变量(RVs)和样本中的子种群之间的独立性的高昂成本,两次操作重复了几次。即使是最简单的贪婪结构学习者之一,LearnSPN也会对变量的数量进行二次缩放,以确定RV的独立性。在这项工作中,我们研究了近似但快速的程序来确定RV之间的独立性,这些RV的复杂性在次二次时间内扩展。我们提出了两种程序:一种随机子空间方法,另一种采用熵作为准则在线性时间内划分RV的方法。实验结果证明,我们的拆分程序配备的LearnSPN能够减少学习和/或推理时间,同时保持可比的推理精度。



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