首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications >Graphical environment for enhancement of learning data structures

Graphical environment for enhancement of learning data structures




Data structures represent efficient way to organize data in a computer. They are integral part of most software. They are crucial for performance of database systems, run of vital parts of a computer, such as operating system, and they stand in the background of modern technologies supporting rapid application development. Apparently, their understanding is crucial for comprehension how to design robust programs and how their usage influence programs' performance, therefore any professional in information technology should be familiar with them. We proposed an environment to support efficient learning of data structures problematic among students of Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of University of Zilina. Students of the data structures course are provided this environment at the beginning of the course, and during the semester, they use it to implement and test relevant structures and algorithms. This approach let students focus on the data structures design so they are not forced to create user interface to test implemented functionality. Moreover, proposed environment provides library of interfaces and abstract ancestors of selected data structures effectively designed using the benefits of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Also, the environment itself is implemented using advanced principles of OOP such as design patterns. This allows students not only to learn data structures but also to realize how principles of OOP can be practically applied in development of big software solutions.



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