
Project delivery models — situational or fixed design?




This paper discusses project delivery models (PDM) and how they influence cost and value of the projects. More specifically, it raises the issue of the choice of project delivery models itself. Major projects are strategic endeavors and the choice of PDM for the project is an important corporate governance decision. On the other hand, optimization of PDMs need to consider the situation and the objectives of the project. Consequently, sponsors and project managers often develop the PDM in each case to deliver optimal results. To what degree is a "one size fits all" strategy viable? If there were one model that to an acceptable degree can fit all purposes and situations - what would we gain and loose from making such a unified choice? The paper discusses these lines of argument and shows that there are no obvious answer to the big question. More research is needed, but at this stage the arguments for standardization seems stronger than the arguments for designing PDM for each project.
机译:本文讨论了项目交付模型(PDM)以及它们如何影响项目的成本和价值。更具体地说,它提出了项目交付模型本身的选择问题。重大项目是战略性工作,为该项目选择PDM是一项重要的公司治理决策。另一方面,PDM的优化需要考虑项目的情况和目标。因此,发起人和项目经理通常会在每种情况下开发PDM以获得最佳结果。 “一刀切”的战略在多大程度上可行?如果有一种模型可以在一定程度上适应所有目的和情况,那么从这样一个统一的选择中我们会收获什么呢?本文讨论了这些论点,并表明对这个大问题没有明显的答案。需要做更多的研究,但是在现阶段,标准化的论据似乎比为每个项目设计PDM的论据要强。



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