首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems >Application of Chatbot for consumer perspective using Artificial Intelligence

Application of Chatbot for consumer perspective using Artificial Intelligence




ChatBot can be described as software that can chat with people using artificial intelligence. A chatbot is a PC program that reenacts human discussion through voice orders or text visits or both. Chatbot, short for chatter-bot, is a man-made reasoning (AI) include that can be implanted and utilized through any significant informing applications. This software are recycled to achieve tasks such as rapidly responding to consumers, informing them, assisting to purchase products and providing better service to customers. This research paper showing how a chatbot can be created through demonstration as well as their applications of chatbots in numerous areas such as traveling, banking, health, customer call centers and e-commerce. Additionally, the results of an example chatbbot for online food order service developed in the e-commerce domain is presented using Dialog-flow engine and Facebook Messanger. This research work represents the Chat flow, components of a chatbot, Implementation using Dialogflow.
机译:Chatbot可以被描述为可以使用人工智能聊天的软件。 Chatbot是一种PC程序,可通过语音订单或文本访问或两者重新创建人工讨论。 Chatbot,对于Chatter-Bot而言,是一个人造的推理(AI)包括可以通过任何重要的通知应用程序植入和利用。该软件已回收,以实现迅速响应消费者的任务,告知他们,协助购买产品并为客户提供更好的服务。这篇论文显示了如何通过示范,以及他们在旅行,银行,健康,客户呼叫中心和电子商务等众多领域进行聊天聊天创建的聊天栏。此外,使用对话流引擎和Facebook Messanger介绍了电子商务域中开发的在线食品订单服务的示例Chatbboot的结果。这项研究工作代表了聊天流,聊天的组件,使用DialogFlow实现。



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