




This paper covers the history of the Argentine Condor I and Condor II missiles: their origins, their development, and the circumstances that led to their cancellation. The Condor I and II rockets were developed and built by the Argentine Air Force between 1979 and 1990. From the beginning of the 1960s to the end of the 1980s, Argentina was the only Latin American country to accomplish significant developments in rocketry. During the last years of the military Junta, and the first years of the government of Raul Alfonsin, an important investment in infrastructure and equipment was made. The training of hundreds of rocket specialists allowed Argentina to master solid propellant rocket manufacturing, as well as TVC flexible nozzle design and manufacturing, hypersonic, guidance and control, and more. These "dual use" technologies could be utilized for missiles, as well as for space launch systems. Despite the fact than the Condor rocket motor was fully developed and operational, in the beginning of the 1990s the government of Carlos Menem decided to cancel the project and disperse the engineers and technicians involved. This was done mainly due to international pressures and marked the beginning of a decade of "automatic alignment" of Argentine policies with those of the United States. The cancellation of the Condor program had long lasting effects in the Argentine space program in general, and in the development of regional solid rocket propulsion systems in particular.
机译:本文介绍了阿根廷“神鹰” I型和“神鹰” II型导弹的历史:它们的起源,发展以及导致其被取消的情况。 Condor I和II型火箭是由阿根廷空军在1979年至1990年之间开发和制造的。从1960年代初到1980年代末,阿根廷是唯一在火箭技术上取得重大进展的拉丁美洲国家。在军政府的最后几年,以及劳尔·阿方森(Raul Alfonsin)政府成立的最初几年,对基础设施和设备进行了重要投资。数百名火箭专家的培训使阿根廷掌握了固体推进剂火箭的制造,TVC柔性喷嘴的设计和制造,超音速,制导和控制等。这些“双重使用”技术可用于导弹以及空间发射系统。尽管Condor火箭发动机尚未完全开发和运行,但在1990年代初,卡洛斯·梅内姆(Carlos Menem)政府决定取消该项目并驱散所涉及的工程师和技术人员。这样做主要是由于国际压力,标志着阿根廷政策与美国政策“自动结盟”十年的开始。取消Condor计划对整个阿根廷太空计划,尤其是区域固体火箭推进系统的发展,具有长期的持久影响。



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