
S-92® Main Rotor Blade Life Extension




Rotorcraft structural methodology has traditionally relied upon the use of three sources of conservatism for design and fatigue substantiation of rotorcraft dynamic components: fatigue strength, flight loads, and the aircraft usage spectrum. In contrast to the thousands of engineering hours typically spent quantifying component strength and loads through full scale laboratory and flight testing, definition of the usage spectrum has traditionally relied on legacy specifications, pilot surveys, and rotorcraft original equipment manufacturer (OEM) historical knowledge of rotorcraft usage. Significant and largely untapped value lies in the application of HUMS recorded flight parameter data and regime recognition (RR) algorithms to monitor fleet wide usage metrics and to support development of a data driven usage spectrum that maintains the intended conservatism of the original usage spectrum. This paper presents the methods and tools that were used to determine actual fleet usage rates for one very significant and easy to detect damaging regime for the S-92® main rotor blade using 700,000 flight hours of S-92® rotorcraft fleet HUMS data. The calculated retirement time (CRT) based on this updated usage demonstrated that the main rotor blade can be safely extended from a retirement time of 22,000 to >30,000 hours.
机译:传统上,旋翼飞机的结构方法学依靠三种保守性来进行旋翼飞机动力部件的设计和疲劳证实:疲劳强度,飞行载荷和飞机使用范围。与通常通过全面的实验室和飞行测试来量化部件强度和负载的数千个工程小时相比,使用范围的定义传统上依赖于遗留规范,飞行员调查以及旋翼飞机原始设备制造商(OEM)的旋翼飞机历史知识用法。巨大且尚未开发的价值在于HUMS记录的飞行参数数据和状态识别(RR)算法的应用,以监控机队范围内的使用指标并支持数据驱动的使用范围的开发,从而保持原始使用范围的预期保守性。本文介绍了使用S-92®旋翼飞机机队HUMS数据700,000个飞行小时来确定一个非常重要且易于检测的S-92®主旋翼桨叶损坏情况的实际机队使用率的方法和工具。基于此更新用法的计算退休时间(CRT)证明,主旋翼桨叶可以安全地从22,000小时延长到> 30,000小时。



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