首页> 外文会议>International conference on Asian-Pacific digital libraries >The Rise and Fall of the Wonder Okinawa Digital Archive: Comparing Japanese and American Conceptualizations of Digital Archives

The Rise and Fall of the Wonder Okinawa Digital Archive: Comparing Japanese and American Conceptualizations of Digital Archives




This paper examines the development of what once was Japan's largest local digital archive, Wonder Okinawa, created in 2003. It collected a diverse view of Okinawa's cultural properties as a treasure house for future generations. It was created under the banner of establishing an Okinawan "brand" to promote tourism, and to nurture human resources, so that Okinawa could foster a hub of IT industries. In the early 2000s, the national government envisioned digital archives as part of its scheme to become a highly networked society, as the means to address social problems, such as the low birthrate, graying population, and shrinking workforce. The digital archive project spearheaded the government's effort. However, the $13.5 millon project was dismantled less than a decade after its spectacular debut. The paper analyzes the causes of the failure and explores some key differences between the conceptual model of digital archives in Japan and North America.
机译:本文考察了日本最大的本地数字档案馆“冲绳奇迹”(Wonder Okinawa)于2003年创建的过程。它收集了冲绳文化遗产的多种观点,作为后代的宝库。它的创建是在建立冲绳“品牌”的旗帜下创建的,以促进旅游业和培养人力资源,从而使冲绳岛可以培育IT产业的枢纽。在2000年代初期,中央政府将数字档案作为其成为高度网络化社会的计划的一部分,作为解决诸如出生率低,人口老龄化和劳动力减少之类的社会问题的手段。数字档案项目带头政府的努力。但是,耗资13.5美元的Millon项目在壮观的首次亮相后不到十年就被拆除。本文分析了失败的原因,并探讨了日本和北美数字档案馆概念模型之间的一些关键差异。



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