
Electromagnetic Marchenko imaging in 1D




We present a one-dimensional scheme to compute an image of a dissipative medium from two single-sided reflection responses without using any model information. One reflection response is measured at or above the top reflector of a dissipative medium and the other is computed as if measured at or above a medium with negative dissipation. The reflection response of a medium with negative dissipation can be computed from measured double-sided reflection and transmission data from a dissipative medium. These two reflection responses together can be used to construct two focusing wavefields. One focuses at the chosen location in the subsurface of the dissipative medium and the other inside the medium with negative dissipation. From the focusing functions and reflection responses the Green's functions for a virtual receiver can be computed. The Green's function are used to construct the image. We show with a numerical example that the method works well for a synthesised layered sample in a waveguide that could be used for measurements in a laboratory.



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