首页> 外文会议>Conference on the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies >Where have I Heard this Story Before?: Identifying Narrative Similarity in Movie Remakes

Where have I Heard this Story Before?: Identifying Narrative Similarity in Movie Remakes




People can identify correspondences between narratives in everyday life. For example, an analogy with the Cinderella story may be made in describing the unexpected success of an underdog in seemingly different stories. We present a new task and dataset for story understanding: identifying instances of similar narratives from a collection of narrative texts. We present an initial approach for this problem, which finds correspondences between narratives in terms of plot events, and resemblances between characters and their social relationships. Our approach yields an 8% absolute improvement in performance over an information-retrieval baseline on a novel dataset of plot summaries of 577 movie remakes from Wikipedia.



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