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Echinoderm connective tissue as a dynamic mechanically responsive biomaterial: insights from synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering with in situ tensile testing




Introduction: Mutable collagenous tissue (MCT) of echinoderms is a remarkable example of a biological material which has the unique property of being able to change its stiffness and extensibility within an extremely short time scale'11 via neural mechanisms. The precise mechanisms are not well understood at the nanoscale, although they are believed to involve noncollagenous proteins such as tensilin and stiparin. Using synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering to probe fibrillar structure during in situ tensile testing of MCT, we investigate the fibrillar mechanics of chemically-induced stiffened and softened sea cucumber dermis. Materials and Methods: Body-wall tissue from the black sea cucumber (Holothuria leucospilota) was dissected, retaining the collagenous part, for tensile testing combined with X-ray scattering. To induce the normal, stiff and soft state in the tissue, samples were incubated in artificial seawater (ASW), high potassium [K+] artificial seawater (KASW), and calcium-free artificial seawater (CaF-ASW). Samples were tested in a custom-built tensile tester installed in the ID02 beamline (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France). Simultaneous with tensile testing of the sea-cucumber tissue to failure, SAXS images were acquired (wavelength 0.995 A) with a FReLoN detector every 0.5-seconds. The fibril D-period was obtained by fitting the 5th order meridional peak in the radial SAXS intensity profile I(q). Fibril strain Ef was measured from percentage shifts in D-period from its unstressed value. The direction and degree of fibril orientation was obtained from the angular SAXS intensity profile of the 5th order meridional peak. Results and Discussion: Macroscopically, CaF-ASW treated samples had -4 times lower maximum stress compared to ASW while KASW had ~4 times higher. Concurrently, the maximum fibril strain developed in each state is highly different, with the fibrils in CaF-ASW having much lower extension (~0.16%) compared to the ASW (~0.60%), and the KASW much higher (~1.0%). When taken together with the larger absolute tissue strain in CaF-ASW, we see that the ε_F/ε_T is much smaller in the softened state. Furthermore, fibrils undergo a pronounced reorientation into the loading direction, characterized by a narrowing of the width of the I(X) profile and increase in peak intensity. The rate of reorientation is much slower for the CaF-ASW softened tissue. Conclusion: Insight into how the altered fibrillar mechanics observed can explain mutability can be obtained by considering MCT at the nanoscale to consist of collagen fibrils separated by a hydrated interfibrillar matrix of proteoglycans and noncollagenous proteins. Tensile strains in fibrils developed by shear-transfer in the interfibrillar matrix. The altered maximum fibril strains in KASW and CaF-ASW treated MCT suggest that the main mechanism for mechanical mutability in MCT is an alteration of the degree of crosslinking and shear stiffness in the interfibrillar matrix rather than a change in the properties of the collagen fibrils themselves. Our results will help in understanding the structure-function relations of MCT, and can serve as a source for designing new dynamic biomaterials, which would have potential applications in biomedical engineering.
机译:简介:棘皮动物的可变性胶原组织(MCT)是生物材料的杰出例子,其独特的特性是能够通过神经机制在极短的时间范围内改变其刚度和可延展性[11]。尽管据信它们涉及非胶原蛋白,如Tensilin和stiparin,但在纳米尺度上尚不清楚确切的机理。在MCT原位拉伸测试中,使用同步加速器小角度X射线散射探测原纤维结构,我们研究了化学诱导的变硬和变软海参真皮的原纤维力学。材料和方法:解剖黑海参(Holothuria leucospilota)的体壁组织,保留胶原部分,进行拉伸测试并结合X射线散射。为了在组织中诱导正常,僵硬和柔软状态,将样品在人造海水(ASW),高钾[K +]人造海水(KASW)和无钙人造海水(CaF-ASW)中孵育。在安装在ID02光束线(欧洲同步加速器辐射设施,法国格勒诺布尔)上的定制拉伸测试仪中对样品进行了测试。与海参组织破裂的拉伸测试同时进行,每0.5秒用FReLoN检测器获取SAXS图像(波长0.995 A)。通过将5阶子午峰拟合到径向SAXS强度分布I(q)中,获得原纤维D周期。根据D期相对于其无应力值的百分数位移来测量原纤维应变Ef。从五阶子午峰的角度SAXS强度分布获得原纤维取向的方向和程度。结果与讨论:宏观上,经CaF-ASW处理的样品的最大应力是ASW的-4倍,而KASW的最大应力是〜4倍。同时,每种状态下产生的最大原纤维应变差异很大,CaF-ASW中的原纤维与ASW(〜0.60%)相比,延伸率低(〜0.16%),而KASW(〜1.0%)高得多。 。当与CaF-ASW中的较大绝对组织应变一起使用时,我们看到ε_F/ε_T在软化状态下要小得多。此外,原纤维在加载方向上发生明显的重新定向,其特征在于I(X)轮廓的宽度变窄并且峰强度增加。对于CaF-ASW软化的组织,重新定向的速度要慢得多。结论:通过观察纳米级MCT由被蛋白聚糖和非胶原蛋白的水合纤维间基质隔开的胶原原纤维组成,可以观察到观察到的改变的原纤维力学如何解释变异性。通过在原纤维间基质中进行剪切转移而产生的原纤维中的拉伸应变。 KASW和CaF-ASW处理的MCT中最大原纤维应变的改变表明,MCT中机械变异性的主要机制是改变原纤维间基质中的交联度和剪切刚度,而不是改变胶原原纤维本身的性质。 。我们的结果将有助于理解MCT的结构-功能关系,并可作为设计新的动态生物材料的来源,它将在生物医学工程中具有潜在的应用。



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