首页> 外文会议>International conference onmathematical aspects of computer and information sciences >Using Statistical Search to Discover Semantic Relations of Political Lexica - Evidences from Bulgarian-Slovak EUROPARL 7 Corpus

Using Statistical Search to Discover Semantic Relations of Political Lexica - Evidences from Bulgarian-Slovak EUROPARL 7 Corpus

机译:使用统计搜索发现政治词汇的语义关系-来自保加利亚斯洛伐克EUROPARL 7语料库的证据



The paper presents statistical approach to discover semantic relations of political lexica using parallel Bulgarian-Slovak EUROPARL 7 Corpus. It employs statistical properties incorporated in the Sketch Engine software to generate concordances, co-occurrences and collocations. A comparative analysis of semantic structure of political lexica investigating synonymic, attributive and reciprocal semantic relations of most frequent key words from two parallel corpora - for both Bulgarian and Slovak languages is offered. The paper address some issue related to correct terms discovery, their translations and use in political speech. Finally, more general conclusions about semantic properties of political lexica are presented.
机译:本文提出了一种统计方法,使用平行的保加利亚-斯洛伐克EUROPARL 7语料库来发现政治词典的语义关系。它利用合并在Sketch Engine软件中的统计属性来生成一致性,共现和并置。对政治词汇的语义结构进行了比较分析,调查了来自两个平行语料库的最常见关键词的同义,定语和对等语义关系-保加利亚语和斯洛伐克语。本文讨论了一些与正确术语发现,其翻译以及在政治演讲中的使用有关的问题。最后,提出了关于政治词典的语义特性的更一般的结论。



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