
Thermography in biomedicine




First measurements of body temperatures made Santorio, an Italian physician. He first used a “thermometer” based on Galilei's “thermoscope”. The Stefan-Boltzmann law defines the relation between radiated energy and temperature by stating that the total radiation emitted by an object is directly proportional to the object's area and emissivity and the fourth power of its absolute temperature. In 1868 Wunderlich introduced thermal measurement into clinical routine. In 1956 Lawson used infrared imaging in breast cancer patients and discovered higher skin temperature above cancer spot than of normal tissue. After his achievements thermography started its development and exceeds the experimental state as a diagnostic procedure being used for over 40 years. Once biological basis were established many other areas were opened for biomedical thermography like breast cancer, varicocele, inflammatory diseases, skin abnormalities etc. introduced with different types of studies. The most of them are dealing with breast cancer, and other with ophthalmology; melanoma diagnosis; the complex regional pain syndrome; Raynaud's phenomenon and systemic sclerosis; the diagnosis and monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis; inflammation in the acute diabetic foot and the foot in remission. In all of these areas different approach could be seen: some of researchers are interested in thermography as a treatment tool, and others see its value as a diagnostic tool. However, essential technique - digital infrared imaging and its images - needs improvement in order to provide more useful anatomical information associated with it which will be the best help for doctors. Today thermal imaging has achieved a status of diagnostic instrument or inspection tool providing diversity of applications: from medical thermography to thermal environmental studies, from monitoring and control processes to breast thermography etc.
机译:首次测量体温的人是意大利医生Santorio。他首先使用了基于Galilei的“温度计”的“温度计”。 Stefan-Boltzmann定律通过说明物体发射的总辐射与物体的面积和发射率以及其绝对温度的四次方成正比,从而定义了辐射能量与温度之间的关系。 1868年,Wunderlich将热测量引入临床常规程序。 1956年,劳森(Lawson)在乳腺癌患者中使用了红外成像技术,发现比正常组织高出皮肤癌点的皮肤温度更高。在他的成就之后,热成像技术开始发展,并已超过40年来作为诊断程序的实验状态。一旦建立了生物学基础,就会为生物医学热成像打开许多其他领域,例如乳腺癌,精索静脉曲张,炎性疾病,皮肤异常等,并通过不同类型的研究进行介绍。它们中的大多数与乳腺癌有关,与眼科有关。黑色素瘤诊断复杂的区域性疼痛综合征;雷诺现象和全身性硬化症;类风湿关节炎的诊断和监测;炎症在急性糖尿病足和足部缓解。在所有这些领域中,可以看到不同的方法:一些研究人员对热成像作为一种治疗工具很感兴趣,而另一些研究人员则将其作为诊断工具的价值。但是,基本技术-数字红外成像及其图像-需要改进,以便提供与其相关的更有用的解剖学信息,这对医生将是最好的帮助。如今,热成像技术已达到诊断仪器或检查工具的地位,可提供多种应用:从医学热成像到热环境研究,从监视和控制过程到乳房热成像等。



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