首页> 外文会议>Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting >A Comparison between a Touchpad-Controlled High Forward Head-down Display (HF-HDD) and a Touchscreen-Controlled Head-down Display (HDD) for In-Vehicle Secondary Tasks

A Comparison between a Touchpad-Controlled High Forward Head-down Display (HF-HDD) and a Touchscreen-Controlled Head-down Display (HDD) for In-Vehicle Secondary Tasks




This study compared a touchpad-controlled High Forward Head-down Display (HF-HDD) and a conven-tional touchscreen Head-down Display (HDD) In-vehicle infotainment system (IVIS). These two systems differ from each other on two design factors. First, the HF-HDD has a shorter visual scanning distance be-tween the forward road scene and the display. Second, the HF-HDD is remotely controlled by a touchpad in locations where the input device is more manually accessible. It has been argued, however, that such an indirect display-control system is less intuitive than the touchscreen HDD that is a direct display-control system. Seventeen users under the age of 35 performed secondary tasks using the HF-HDD with the touch-pad and the touchscreen HDD while driving. The results showed that the HF-HDD with a touchpad was associated with more positive driver feedback and better secondary task performance than the touchscreen HDD, although, no difference was found in driving performance.
机译:这项研究比较了触摸板控制的高前低头显示器(HF-HDD)和传统的触摸屏低头显示器(HDD)车载信息娱乐系统(IVIS)。这两个系统在两个设计因素上彼此不同。首先,HF-HDD在前进道路场景和显示器之间的可视扫描距离更短。其次,HF-HDD在更易于手动操作输入设备的位置通过触摸板进行远程控制。然而,已经有人提出,这种间接显示控制系统不如作为直接显示控制系统的触摸屏HDD直观。 35岁以下的用户在驾驶时使用带有触摸板和触摸屏HDD的HF-HDD进行了次要任务。结果表明,与触摸屏HDD相比,带有触摸板的HF-HDD与更积极的驾驶员反馈和更好的辅助任务性能相关,尽管在驾驶性能上没有发现差异。



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