
Using cloud computing in Stjepan Benceković elementary school




Cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer's hard drive. By introducing cloud computing in 2012, the school has managed to ease access and sharing, enhance collaboration between teachers and school management and was able to adopt and consummate another digital competence in order to benefit our school curriculum. Another crucial benefit from implementing cloud technology to our school is saving money. Stjepan Benceković elementary school is a small school with very limited resources and it is very important to us to explore and use technology in order to save money and time. This paper will show how did we implemented cloud computing, how much money has been saved and how did cloud computing evolve school curriculum.
机译:云计算意味着通过Internet而不是计算机的硬盘驱动器来存储和访问数据和程序。通过在2012年引入云计算,该学校设法简化了访问和共享,增强了教师与学校管理层之间的协作,并且能够采用和完善另一项数字能力,从而使我们的学校课程受益。在我们学校中实施云技术的另一个关键优势是省钱。 StjepanBenceković小学是一所资源有限的小型学校,对我们来说探索和使用技术以节省金钱和时间对我们而言非常重要。本文将展示我们如何实施云计算,节省了多少钱以及云计算如何发展学校课程。



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