
Energy Measurement Library (EML) Usage and Overhead Analysis




Energy consumption and efficiency analysis has raised as an interesting topic to address for high performance computing researchers. Exascale computers, with current capabilities, would require a huge amount of power to operate at full capacity. This has attracted the interest of many researchers in the field contributing to elaborate multiple libraries and tools to measure energy and power consumption. In spite of the efforts, there is no current standard for energy measurements. It is known that the accuracy of the measurements is highly dependent on measurement tools (power meters, performance counters, ). A standard library should offer independence between hardware and software and portability for the instrumented code between different architectures. Additionally, the overhead of the library should be low enough to achieve accurate measurements. We proposed EML (Energy Measurement Library) and now we present insights on the usage and the overhead of the library, so that it could contribute to the establishment of an standard for energy measurement.



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