
Effects of Tacton Names and Learnability




Increasing robotic capabilities and a strong impetus for mixed-initiative Soldier-Robot teaming is pushing the boundaries of current communication paradigms. These future teams are expected to perform along a continuum of operating environments, in which traditional auditory and visual modalities may be hindered or unavailable. The tactile modality offers an alternative means for a robot to communicate words, phrases, or cues to a Soldier, providing an additional channel to facilitate more robust multimodal communications. However, fundamental research is still needed to understand how to design tactile icons called "tactons." In order to better understand the relationship of a tacton and their assigned names, this paper presents results from an experiment comparing the ability of participants to classify existing tactons from the literature using original versus nonsense-syllable labels.
机译:不断增强的机器人能力和强大的混合动力士兵—机器人团队推动了当前通信范式的发展。预计这些未来的团队将在连续的操作环境中执行任务,而传统的听觉和视觉方式可能会受到阻碍或无法使用。触觉模态为机器人提供了一种将士兵的单词,短语或提示传达给士兵的替代手段,并提供了额外的渠道来促进更强大的多模态交流。但是,仍需要基础研究来了解如何设计被称为“ tacton”的触觉图标。为了更好地理解质子及其名称的关系,本文提供了一项实验结果,该实验比较了参与者使用原始标签和无意义音节标签对文献中现有质子进行分类的能力。



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