首页> 外文会议>International conference on security, privacy, and applied cryptography engineering >S-boxes, Boolean Functions and Codes for the Resistance of Block Ciphers to Cryptographic Attacks, with or without Side Channels

S-boxes, Boolean Functions and Codes for the Resistance of Block Ciphers to Cryptographic Attacks, with or without Side Channels




The choice of functions S : F_2~n → F_2~m to be used as substitution boxes (S-boxes), fastly implementable and contributing to resisting attacks is a crucial question for the design of block ciphers. We summary the state of the art in this domain, considering also the case m < n which has been less studied. We also recall the method for protecting block ciphers against side channel attacks (SCA) by masking, and how the S-boxes can be processed in order to ensure this protection. We state a related open problem, also interesting for its own sake. We eventually see how Boolean functions, vectorial functions and error correcting codes can be used in different ways for reducing the cost of masking while keeping the same resistance to some SCA and also for allowing resisting fault injection attacks (FIA).
机译:函数S:F_2〜n→F_2〜m的选择用作替代盒(S-box),快速实现并有助于抵抗攻击是分组密码设计的关键问题。我们还考虑了m <n的情况,对此领域进行了总结,而m <n的情况研究较少。我们还回顾了通过屏蔽保护分组密码免受侧信道攻击(SCA)的方法,以及如何处理S-box来确保这种保护。我们提出了一个相关的开放问题,出于自身的考虑也很有趣。我们最终将看到如何以不同的方式使用布尔函数,矢量函数和纠错码,以减少屏蔽成本,同时保持对某些SCA的相同抵抗力,并允许抵抗故障注入攻击(FIA)。



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